A conceptual thinker, creative writer and art director.
I create ads that build brands (and agencies) in FMCG, automotive (two and four wheels), B2B, luxury brands, finance, healthcare, travel, tourism, trade and shopper marketing…well pretty much anything really.
I'm not precious about the media i use; the end goal is the same, it's just the way it's scored that differs. TV, Radio, Press, Poster, DM, Shopper Marketing, Digital or some completely new way of communicating (I'll get back to you on that one).
Scamp and Mac happy but don’t be alarmed when I start the job with a pad and a signpen.
I work for agencies or direct to client, in-house or in my own house; I'm not that fussy, as long as the kettle works.
Bite size résumé
Present - Freelance Creative Director
Boy Meets Girl, London - Group Head
J Walter Thompson, London
Da Costa & Co., London
WWAV Rapp Collins, London
Rorschach (own agency), Penzance, Cornwall
Lynam & Company, London
1989 - Graduated from Bournemouth & Poole College of Art & Design